


It feels like I have done work worth of a week's load, but honestly, it's just around 1.5 chapters of math holiday package, differentiation notes (redone), 1 csc source-based, and 2/3 book of csc readings. Point is, there's SO MUCH MORE TO DO. Haish. So here I am, surfing the net, even though I should actually be ploughing my way through the unclear (and long forgotten) concepts of J1 Math. Alright.. so, I swear I am going to get the long overdue 5.2 tutorial math done, and regression notes today! I wanted to do integration, but the chances are quite slim.. But I shall work with great efficiency after ~2.5 hours of relaxation today.

Afterall, studious soeulmates' encouraging me. LOL. [Photo courtesy from Bumsso Wordpress, at To sidetrack a little, I really love this blog. But they are getting a little slow recently, either that there's just no news of the two these few months. It seems like the latter. I especially love the posts by Mar, tho it's really more delusional than ever hahaha. But she really makes it clear that she's being delusional, and that's what's funny, and it makes her so adorable. Haha.

So anw, first, some good news to share- 刀大 has got an all-free (and free of advertisement) iphone app for ALL his books! It would be so great if the android app came out at the same time too, which means I have sth to do on the bus rides for America trip, but ohwells, he says we gotta wait. I can't wait! I shall be patient.

So meanwhile, laoshi has posted the weekly horoscope thing :D 

Courtesy of

Below is an extract of mine (gemini comes together).


雙子座:聖杯一、Family Culture

巨蟹座:聖杯騎士逆、happy surprise


Okay I feel kinda good after reading it last night. :D Or this midnight to be accurate.

8 more days to Ah-mee-ri-ca! I should be doing work. Mug away, howdy! (before that I shall savour the fanfic drama haha).



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